An excellent write up! Your arguments, information is well conveyed and it’s really easy to read! Thanks for doing this work.

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Thanks for reading!

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This is incredibly well done history with source documents.. If corp news cared about informing readers this would be a great feature to anchor a pandemic deep dive, fab work thank you!

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Thanks, PamelaDrew!

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It’s all so disgusting and stupid. If repubs win congress they need to cancel all NIH grant funding and put bio weapons defense back in the hands of DOD. Not that DOD is more competent, it’s just that they’ll be a lot more careful about funding American bioweapons in Chinese labs.

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Oh, DOD is all mixed up in this story, too. As I wrote in a different post, "It is not often reported, but DOD is EcoHealth Alliance’s biggest funder. EcoHealth Alliance has received $69.2 million in direct funding from U.S. taxpayers (this does not count its millions in indirect funds).

From fiscal year 2008 through fiscal year 2022, DOD was EcoHealth Alliance’s biggest direct funder giving it $42.9 million, 62% of all its direct government funds. Of those $42.9 million, DTRA—the agency that gave EcoHealth this bat grant—provided $38.6 million. Thus, the DOD’s DTRA is EcoHealth’s biggest direct funder within the U.S. Government. See:


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Just discovered this blog, really good work, thanks.

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